Saturday, April 4, 2009

For all those complaining about how this movie isn't like the book and for that reason it sucks:

"I've read some threads of people now blaming JK Rowling for not standing up for her own work, for just standling idly by while the villians like Kloves and Yates ruin the series she created.

To me, that is beneath contempt and utter hogwash.

I know some of you are going to say that J.K. Rowling doesn't care about how great the films are and that all she cares about is getting her royalty. But she has been active since day one in setting up the film series. She was highly involved in making the Philsopher's Stone film and now she feels confident enough now to let the filmmakers do what they're meant to do, craft works of art, while she is content to step in when necessary. I remember reading a BBC interview with JKR after the GOF movie was out and she commented to David Heyman on how the films were getting "better and better" and how stunnginly she thought OOTP was the "best one yet." David Yates also has said that JKR enjoyed the HBP film and thought it even better.

JKR admits that one can't put all her subplots into the movie, it's ridiculous, and no matter how big a Harry Potter fan I am, I can't sit through a 4 hour movie. If people want 10 hour adaptations of the novels, it's easy, read the novels, that's what I do.

I just don't get how some could stoop so low as to blame the author of the series on why the films are not up to their liking. I can accept you blaming Yates, Cuaron, Kloves, Goldenberg or any of them, but to blame JKR is to disrespect the entire Potter franchise, books and films.

JKR is one of those uncommonly kind authors who actually appreciate and enjoy the films based on her works. You couldn't say the same for Alan Moore, Roald Dahl, Gene Roddenberry or countless others.

I'll just finish with a quote from Stephen King about how he contrasts his novels to their film adaptations, calling them:

"apples and oranges; both delicious, but very different."

- by BJHunnicut on,
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Message board title: "Now you're blaming J.K Rowling for how 'inaccurate' the film is?"

Even though I wish they could have put a lot of [important] stuff from the book into the movie instead of the things they added, I still think this movie is awesome, and most of the dialog i felt as if it was being read right out of the book. Other than the few added scenes, most of the stuff from the book was in the movie, even though they changed the way it happened sometimes, it happened. J.K liked it, and so do I.